The Scientific Observatory, managed, through the Educational and Administrative Secretary, the preparation, creation and development of a PhD school dedicated to 6 students from non-EU Mediterranean Countries. Six candidates were selected after an interview carried out through the WebEx system: they come from five different non-EU Mediterranean countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey, Albania, Lebanon. A further student has been subsequently selected to participate with no grant. Within the first semester (March-July 2014), the PhD students followed a lesson course, whose aim was to create a common background in physical, chemical and biological oceanography. The lessons were taught by professors belonging to the Scientific Observatory or their collaborators within RITMARE. At the end of each module, the PhD students prepared presentations about each subject.
After the lesson period, each PhD student presented a personal research project. Based on these, to each PhD student was assigned one tutor and one or more co-tutors, from Milano-Bicocca and from Universities and Entities within RITMARE. The PhD students thus started their research activities and, at the end of the first year (March 2015), presented their main results at the Scientific Observatory. Within their second year, the PhD students are continuing their research activities following their research project.
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