Abbiati Marco
institution: CONISMA, UNIVERISTA' di BOLOGNA - Ravenna Campus
surname: Abbiati
name: Marco
Honors degree in Biology at the University of Pisa. PhD in Environmental Sciences (Science of the Sea) at the University of Genoa. Professor of Ecology at the University of Bologna - Ravenna Campus. My research interests are in the ecology of the benthos and the adaptive and evolutionary processes in the benthic species; alteration of natural processes induced by human activities. I participated as PI and co-PI on several research projects funded by national and international government agencies and industries.
Acciarri Alessio
institution: Università di Camerino
surname: Acciarri
name: Alessio
Degree in Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks in 2011 at University of Camerino (MC). Dissertation: “The beaches of the southern Marche: evolutionary analysis of coast between Numana (AN) and San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)”. Currently he is a PhD student candidate in Earth Sciences (XXVII cycle) at University of Camerino (MC). Research project: “Analysis of coastal dynamics in natural beaches of the southern Marche Region”.
Since 2008 hi is member of the GNRAC (National Group for the Research of the Coastal Environment), participating in numerous stage and training courses in coastal defense.
Acquavita Alessandro
institution: ARPA FVG
surname: Acquavita
name: Alessandro
Degree in Biological Sciences (2004), PhD in Environmental Sciences (Marine Coastal Environment) at the University of Trieste (2011). From 1998 to 2005 at Consorzio per il Laboratorio di Biologia Marina di Trieste, deals with biogeochemical nutrients cycle and biogeochemistry of sediments.
From 2006 is employed at ARPA FVG where is involved in the application of the WFD, research focusing on mercury cycle and managing of coastal sediments. Actually is part of a new working group dealing with epidemiological aspects and risk assessment.
Experienced in different analytical techniques (AAS, AFS, GC, FIAS and flow segmented). Several National and International projects and author of peer-reviewed papers.
Acquaviva Maria
institution: IAMC
surname: Acquaviva
name: Maria
Laurea in Biological Sciences, 1993, University of Bari. CNR Scholarship (1995), marine microbiology technician at the National Research Council since 2001, deals with microbial communities ecology in marine environment, bacterial biodiversity, microbial contaminants in mussel culture zones, antimicrobial activity of bioactive compounds from macroalghe; ecotoxicological evaluation with Microtox system.
Join in Monitoring Plans, National and International projects in collaboration with Universities, Taranto Port Authority and Regional Agencies for Prevention and Protection of the Environment.
Acri Francesco
institution: ISMAR
surname: Acri
name: Francesco
Laurea in Biological Sciences, 1988, University of Padova. Research scientist at the National Research Council since 1996. Research interests: coastal marine pollution and eutrophication. He joins the Italian Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER Italia), dealing with long-term changes in the Venice Lagoon and Northern Adriatic sea.
Adamo Maria
institution: ISSIA
surname: Adamo
name: Maria
Maria Adamo has a PhD in Physics. Her research activity is focused on satellite oceanography. In particular she has been working on: 1) the combined use of Synthetic Aperture Radar and VIS/NIR imagery under sun glint condition for the detection, tracking and characterization of a marine oil spill, 2) the wind field retrieval from SAR images over open ocean and coastal areas.
Adamo Antonino
institution: IAMC
surname: Adamo
name: Antonino
2004-2007 PhD in African Studies
2003-2005 Master’s degree in Marine Environment Conservation and Oceanography
1997-2002 University degree in Political Sciences and International Relations
Working experience
2003 – to date Euro-project planning expert at the IAMC-CNR (Detached Unit of Mazara del Vallo and Capo Granitola). Same duty from 2009 as Technologist
2004 Intern at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Geneva, Switzerland
2002 OSCE-ODIHR Short Term Observer, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Main duties
Dealing with calls for proposals, drafting different-related project proposals and initiatives, carrying out administrative duties, and helping researchers to manage training and research projects, liaison with partners, trainers, and different-related Institute’s stakeholders; contribute to the preparation of various written outputs; translate texts; attend meetings on behalf of the Institute, when required.
Ademollo Nicoletta
institution: IRSA
surname: Ademollo
name: Nicoletta
Affatato Lorena
institution: ICTP
surname: Affatato
name: Lorena
Lorena Affatato is full time technologist at the Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (ICTP) of the Natonal Council of Research. In 2003 she received the Master for Experts in the development of Innovation and Technology Transfer (M.And.D.The.T.T.) . ATI Parks Master Innovation. Actually she is scientific coordinator of a Technology Transfer Office at ICTP for support technology service for technological innovation, European Projects, and territories relationships.
She promotes and carry on research activities, in pursuit of excellence and strategic relevance within the national and international ambit, in the frame of European cooperation and integration. Her activity is concentrate on the valorization, the pre-competitive development and the technological transfer of research results. Moreover, she promotes the collaboration in the scientific and technological field, and in the technical regulations field, with organizations and institutions of other Countries, and with supranational organizations in the frame of extra-governmental agreements. Author of several papers published on international, national and local scientific journal.
Alberico Ines
institution: IAMC
surname: Alberico
name: Ines
Alessi Anna Lisa
institution: IAMC
surname: Alessi
name: Anna Lisa
12/2001 University degree in Foreign languages and literatures
Working experience
2012-to date Technologist at the IAMC-CNR-Detached Unit of Capo Granitola;
08/2012 In charge of the Office for the Diffusion of the Scientific Knowledge at the IAMC-CNR (Detached Unit of Capo Granitola);
2007-2012 Technical-scientific secretariat at the IAMC-CNR (Detached Unit of Capo Granitola and Mazara del Vallo);
2002-2007 External relations officer at FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) MedSudMed Regional Project “Assessment and Monitoring of Fishery Resources and Ecosystem in the Strait of Sicily”.
Main tasks
Support to the Euro-project office; Support to the administrative office; Organization of meetings, workshops and training courses; Provide contributions for the updating of the web site; Translation and editing of technical documents.
Alfare Loredana
institution: ISMAR
surname: Alfare
name: Loredana
Degree in Sociology (ethno-anthropologic field), she is specialised in developing and coordinating European Projects (Objective 3 Territorial Cooperation and LIFE Programme) and in managing participatory processes. She worked in different projects concerning the optimization of water resources and land use as land protection. In addition she worked for several public institutions such as Province of Naples (Environmental Department), Institute for Mountain Research (IMONT), CNR/IGAG and CNR/ISMAR. At present she deals with marine litter topic and project promotion through social networks.
Aliani Stefano
institution: ISMAR
surname: Aliani
name: Stefano
Allegretti Marco
institution: CINFAI
surname: Allegretti
name: Marco
Altenburger Alessandro
institution: OGS
surname: Altenburger
name: Alessandro
Amalfitano Stefano
institution: IRSA
surname: Amalfitano
name: Stefano
Angelelli Elisa
institution: UNIVERSITA' di BOLOGNA
surname: Angelelli
name: Elisa
Laurea cum laude (2010) in Civil Engineering - Hydraulics specialization - at the University of Bologna. PhD student of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Water Science and Technology) at the University of Bologna. Researh interest: wave energy converters and induced hydrodynamics. Research grant (2011-2012) funded by the FP 7 THESEUS Project (
Annicchiarico Cristina
institution: IAMC
surname: Annicchiarico
name: Cristina
Ms. Cristina Annicchiarico, Technician Researcher at the CNR of Taranto
Areas of Expertise:
Water analysis (seawater and wastewater): pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, nutrients (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, silicates), phenols, canide and chlorophyll determination with automatic analyzes as: Autoanalyzer, Spectrophotometer, Spectrofluorimeter.
Organic micropollutants analysis: extraction and clean-up with Soxhlet and micro-wave of marine sediments and organisms. Development of extraction methods for organotin compounds in biological samples.
Metal extraction from sediments and biological samples with microwave system.
Chromatographic analysis and application of preconcentration system on-line for metal analysis in seawater.
Use of application software (Office) in Windows and Internet.
Knowledge of english.
Antoninetti Massimo
institution: IREA
surname: Antoninetti
name: Massimo
Geologist, expertise in Remote Sensing researches on: Alpine arches geodynamics, snow and glaciers, landslide and forest fire risks, water resources, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). From December 1989 to present Researcher at CNR-IREA in Milano (Italy). Principal investigator in research projects in Europe, Central and South America, Asia and Africa promoted and financed Italian, European Authority and International no-profit Organizations.
Antonioli Fabrizio
institution: ENEA
surname: Antonioli
name: Fabrizio
Laurea cum laude in Geology, 1977, University of Rome. Since 1983 researcher ENEA, Director of Research since 2010. Deals with sea level changes, karst geomorphology and coastal impacts of global climate change. National coordinator of line 3 VARCOST Variations on sea levels, impact on coastal areas (2006-2010) for VECTOR Italian FISRS Project: Vulnerability of the Italian coasts and marine ecosystems to climate change and their role in the carbon cycle Mediterranean). Vicepresident INQUA (International Union of Quaternary Research) 2011-2014. National coordinator of SPLASHCOS UE Project (Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf 2010-2013). Published 60 papers on ISI Journal
Archetti Renata
institution: CONISMA
surname: Archetti
name: Renata
Arculeo Marco
institution: CONISMA
surname: Arculeo
name: Marco
Laurea cum laude in Biological Science, (1983) University of Palermo. Full Professor of Zoology at the University of Palermo since 2003; author of about 200 papers many of which published in ISI journals. Reviewer of several international journals and research projects. His professional interest concerns mainly the management of fishery resources through the use of traditional methods and genetic markers (mitochondrial and nuclear), systematic fish and decapod crustaceans, the reproductive biology of marine species, population genetics and evolutionary biology.
Armenio Vincenzo
institution: CINFAI
surname: Armenio
name: Vincenzo
Armiento Giovanna
institution: ENEA
surname: Armiento
name: Giovanna
Degree in geology, Sapienza University of Rome. She works at the ENEA since 1999, where she is currently head of the Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory. She is experienced with soil geochemistry dealing particularly with methods for the evaluation of metals mobility in soils and water, she is also experienced with a number of laboratory techniques in the field of mineralogy, sedimentology and geochemistry and in the study of environmental distribution and fate of micro-pollutants. She has been involved in numerous campaigns for the characterization of contaminated sites and geochemical studies of many areas, also commissioned by Public Bodies for which her laboratory is a qualified consultant.
Armigliato Alberto
institution: Università di Bologna
surname: Armigliato
name: Alberto
Degree in Physics (1996) at the University of Bologna, Ph.D. in Geophysics at the University of Genoa. Fixed-term researcher at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna since October 2011. His main research subject is on tsunamis, and in particular on the modeling of their generation, propagation and coastal impact, on tsunami hazard assessment by means of statistical and scenario approaches, on decision support systems for tsunami early warning systems. He participate/participates into several EU-funded projects dealing with tsunamis: 3HAZ-Corinth (FP6), TRANSFER (FP6), SCHEMA (FP6), DEWS (FP6), TRIDEC (FP7), NearToWarn (FP7).
Aronica Salvatore
institution: IAMC
surname: Aronica
name: Salvatore
Researcher at the IAMC (Institute for Coastal Marine Environment) Institute of Cape Granitola engaged in research in the ICT field and sensors for the marine environment and fisheries. Involved since 2000 in projects in which technological systems applied to marine environments were made, such as: RASI project (Development of an Acoustic Radar for the study of air-sea interactions), ICT-E3 project approved by CIPE with of the Department of Technological Innovation financing for the transfer and expansion of ICT fishing and research, he was also involved in the design and construction of an integrated system that provides services both to the fishing companies and the research world for collecting environmental data and fishing effort and the data transfer in real time to ground stations. In addition to the various activities in which it is currently involved in the design and implementation of the system FOOS (Fishery Oceanographic Observation System) provided within the project SSD-FISHING (decision support system for the sustainable management of fisheries in the South Italy).
Artini Cristina
institution: IENI
surname: Artini
name: Cristina
Cristina Artini, contract researcher at CNR-IENI, graduated on October 27th, 2000, at the University of Genoa. Thesis: “Correlations between superconductivity and structure: the anti-K2NiF4 structure”. On May 6th, 2004, she got her Ph.D; thesis: “Correlations between structure and properties with regard to the appearance of high temperature superconductivity in Ru-based oxides”. She worked at the synthesis and the study of properties of high Tc superconductors and rare earth oxides; since 2010 she has been working in the field of metal-ceramic interactions and wettability of ceramics by molten metals coupled to phase diagrams assessment. She is author and co-author of 33 papers in international journals and many conference communications.
Attolico Giovanni
institution: ISSIA
surname: Attolico
name: Giovanni
Degree in Information Science, 1986, University of Bari. Senior researcher at ISSIA-CNR. Leader of the group working on “Intelligent multisensorial systems for monitoring, security and control in industrial, civil and social applications“. Research leader of the ISSIA-CNR units working on the projects: “PON-Baitah: Methodologies and instruments of building automation and information technology for pervasive models of treatment and aids for domestic healthcare”, “Smart-Cities Be&Save: Technologies for nondestructive evaluation of agroalimentary products”. He has published more than 100 articles on international journals and conference proceedings. His current research interests are in the fields of Computer Vision and Robotics with application to analisys and interpretation of multispectral and iperspectral images and to the development of Intelligent Human Machine Interfaces. He serves as reviewer for several journals and conferences.
Azzaro Maurizio
institution: IAMC
surname: Azzaro
name: Maurizio
Laurea in Biological Sciences, 1993, University of Messina, Italy; Laurea cum laude in Natural Sciences, 1997, University of Messina, Italy; Ph. D. in Science and Engineering of the Sea, 2008, University of Naples Federico II, Italy. Research scientist at the National Research Council-IAMC since 2006. He studies the biogeochemical carbon cycle in the oceans and the remineralization rates of organic matter in the layers epi-, meso- and batipelagic.
Azzaro Filippo
institution: IAMC
surname: Azzaro
name: Filippo
Filippo Azzaro: Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences), (Biological Sciences) 1987 University of Messina. Professional activity at C.N.R. - IAMC Messina (Italy), since 1981. Relevant research interests: study chemico-physical and biological parameters of sea-water, with particular regard to the nutrient evaluation, both by traditional techniques and by means of instruments "on line" analysis (mobile station, oceanographic buoy) and to the evaluation of trophic parameters (chlorophyll a, ATP).