WP3.AZ2 - Preparation of PhDs, Masters (I and II level) and Advanced Courses on RITMARE research topics

In addition to PhD and Master, which are developed in consultation with University and Interuniversity Consortium, under this action courses are organized on the following topics:

  1. training and updated by experienced staff on technological issues (eg features and operation of new technological tools on board) in order to implement the technical skills of the officers on board, with benefits on operating efficiency;

  2. update and specialization of personnel ashore and aboard ships under the new requirements of legislative nature (with regard to skills and managerial aspects).

These courses, in which the experience is guaranteed and valued, provide a final certification attesting the skill of the operator. It also evaluates the establishment of an InternationalDoctoral School,addressed to researchers from the Mediterranean and beyond.

Action leader Cesare Corselli - CONISMA
