WP3 - RITMARE data policy definition

SP7_WP3 has defined and diffused the document on the RITMARE Data Policy rules (figure 3) and governance. The document has been presented and approved by the RITMARE steering; it is freely and openly available at http://figshare.com/articles/RITMARE_Data_Policy_document/1235546.

Since data usage permission varies in relation to data types, the document contains also a schema to identify and inventory the data/products types going to be made available by each UO (background) and/or to be generated (foreground).

Figure 3: Data Policy of RITMARE

RITMARE Data Policy contains also a proposal of licence typologies for data/products in the context of the Creative Commons (CC):

  • CREATIVE COMMONS LICENCE ZERO (CC0): free usage, also for commercial purposes;

  • CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION LICENCE (CC-BY): it allows users to reproduce, distribute, communicate, expose, represent, and modify data/products also for commercial purposes, by giving the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by them;

  • CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION SHARE ALIKE LICENCE (CC-BY-SA): licensees may distribute data/products and make derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs the original data/products;

  • CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION NON COMMERCIAL LICENCE (CC-BY-NC): licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform data/products and make derivative works only for non commercial purposes;

  • CREATIVE COMMONS ATRIBUTION NON COMMERCIAL SHARE ALIKE LICENCE (CC-BY-NC-SA): licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform data/products and make derivative works only for non commercial purposes, under a license identical to the license that governs the original data/products;

SP7_WP3 has also defined the structure of a Data Policy Governance Body (OG), coordinated by an SP7 leader and formed by representatives of the participant entities (CNR, INGV, OGS, SZN), a representative of University Consortia (CINFAI, CONISMA), of ENEA, and of users/stakeholders.

This Governance Body will be supported by two consultancy bodies, i.e.:

  • Organismo Consultivo degli Enti (OCE) for legal and administrativ econsultancy, composed by representatives of the participant entities;

  • Organismo Consultivo delle ComunitàTematiche (OCT) for scientific consultancy, composed by representatives of each thematic area.