SP6 consists of four WPs very different both in the contents and objectives.
WP1 activities, on shared infrastructures for marine technologies, are very advanced. The five actions met the objective of updating the existing instrumentation and/or acquiring up-to-date instruments.
WP2, on communication activities, worked with good synergies among the various Actions and Units. More than 10.000 students became aware of culture and themes linked to the marine environment through lessons, didactic seminars and participation in big conferences, whose topics were biodiversity, economics, protected areas and job opportunities, all related to the marine environment. Updating courses have been organised for teachers and the didactic material has been uploaded on the web. Citizens have been involved throughout each activities based on projects widely promoted on various media at the nationallevel. At the same time several workshops have been organised involving the relevant stakeholders. The creation of dedicated accounts on the main social platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, allowed sharing information on RITMARE events and/or themes related to the marine environment and to maritime activities.
WP3 is on education. Information has been collected on the educational resources available on marine-maritime themes. An international PhD course on Mediterranean Marine Sciences has been created at the University of Milano Bicocca. Seven PhD students from countries facing the Mediterranean basin have been selected and they are now completing the second year of their PhD.
WP4 is on technological transfer. Despite a difficult starting phase, the Italian resources in the technological transfer in the marine-maritime field have been identified and mapped. A first example of full technological transfer has been completed.