Main objective of WP4 is to accurately predict currents, temperature, salinity, waves and biogeochemical parameters in the Mediterranean and the Italian Seas and get an integrated monitoring system with satellite and in situ observations. The forecasting systems are therefore able to support the management of the marine environment and emergencies at sea (sea storm, floods, coastal erosion and accidental spillage of polluting substances like oil).
WP activities have been dedicated to the preliminary study and the development of the forecasting systems at basin, sub-basin and coastal scales in the Mediterranean Sea and along the Italian coasts. These activities produced detailed reports describing all the prediction systems. Each system has also fulfilled a form pointing out the next developments and priorities. These activities increased the visibility of the Italian prediction systems within the international operational oceanography community and in particular MONGOOS, contributing to the GOOS Regional Alliance survey of the marine prediction systems available for each marine area.
All the prediction systems followed the planned evolution and have been updated. The details are described in the project deliverables and scientific publications.
This work package collaborates with SP7 for the data policy and the development of the web portal and participates with SP3 WP4 in the coastal modeling activities.
Potential temperature in the surface water of the Mediterranean Sea |