Technology transfer is one of the last activities that are planned in the design and implementation of processes and/or innovative systems. After the phases of design and production it is definitely necessary to correct, refine and validate the results expected for the processes, services and/or products to offer to companies and to the world of research. It is therefore necessary to establish expertise of the sector and a priori rely on them in order to be able to identify, without undue effort, the potential critical issues and the possible improvements that must be realized in order to get the best results.
The Action intends to avail itself of a network of laboratories and expertise present within universities and research institutions (including CINFAI, IAMC, OGS, CONISMA and the Network of Italian Districts of the Sea), to create a database available online for potential users, in order to provide support and scientific reference in finding resolutions to the various problems that may emerge during the development of new processes and/or products. This network provides also the expertise for any technological adaptation needed before the transfer, identifies possible regulatory and environmental issues that may potentially impede the applicability of the research, provides assistance to new businesses in the start-up phase.
The Action aims to test the feasibility (even in prototype form) of some products and/or processes before their commercial or industrial launch, or to revise products that resulted unfeasible after their first application, by defining protocols for validation of the results and for examining the suitability for the transfer to industries and businesses, and by organizing, if possible, laboratories on mobile platforms for testing of products and/or processes.
Action leader Salvatore Aronica - IAMC