WP2 - Communication

WP2 objectives are the dissemination of scientific and technical results achieved RITMARE and, more generally, the dissemination of the state of the art in the field of Marine Science and Maritime Technology.

The target audience is composed of RITMARE stakeholders: ministries, local authorities, including the ports, Civil Defence, communities and cooperatives of fishermen, shipping companies, consortia for wind energy, NGOs, etc.. Given their different extraction, different dissemination strategy should be adopted as well as various communication tools suitable to achieve the sensitivity of each.

Therefore the WP studies the mechanisms of transduction of scientific content from one discipline to another, considering all the aspects of human interaction. The study determines the most efficient tool to reach each group, the most effective to transfer the message and able to increase the general awareness on the environmental, economic and social sea issue.

As part of the dissemination activities/training a dedicated museum is realized in Napoli; it represents a link between environmental issues and the industrial system, as well as a convergence point for many research institutes already present in marine area of Napoli.

The WP is organized into the following Actions:

  • AZ1 - Marine Science in schools

  • AZ2 - The science of citizens and citizens and science

  • AZ3 - Project Stakeholders Workshop

  • AZ4 - Strategies for Using Social media

WP leader Carmela Caroppo - IAMC
