WP1.AZ1 - Structure for the non-destructive analysis of sediment samples

Marine research has very high costs due to vessels liven up and expensive equipment, in addition to units of specialized personnel. All major research centers worldwide are equipped with Core Repository for the storage and processing of sediment cores. In Italy, ISMAR-CNR in Bologna has the only national organization of this type (with optimal preservation of 7,000 meters of core samples taken in more than 2100 stations worldwide). RITMARE strengthen this structure, already available to all national bodies (OGS, INGV, PNRA, university, etc..), enhancing a range of services for core sub-sample, core logging of physical and chemical properties, the establishment of a metadata database regarding sample history and the distribution of available sub-samples to anyone who requests it.

Action leader Stefano Miserocchi - ISMAR
