WP1 - Shared infrastructure for marine technologies

WP1 aims to promote the adaptation of marine laboratories supporting national research as well as higher education and other training activities dedicated to sea expert. The construction or expansion of some laboratories sharing the same facilities is necessary, especially in the fields of marine science which are technologically advanced; structures and instruments that currently are under-utilized are organized to be available for multiple users and to maximize investment effectiveness. The overall aim is to design a series of interconnected facility and available to all national marine research, building on existing realities, whose capacity is documented. This is to ensure that, after the project end, this structure will remain in effect and be efficient supporting the relevant scientific community.

The WP is organized into the following Actions:

  • AZ1 - Structure for the non-destructive analysis of sediment samples

  • AZ2 - Framework for electroacoustic analysis and bioacoustics

  • AZ3 - Support structure for coastal radar

  • AZ4 - Shared structure for the calibration of oceanographic instrumentation

  • AZ5 - Shared structure for monitoring, control and support for maritime traffic

WP leader Fabio Brunetti - OGS
