WP3 - Italian scientific network of fixed sites for sea observation

The Italian scientific network of fixed sites for observing the sea consists of a well-established infrastructure managed by various research bodies. In addition to developing the necessary structural and technological progress, WP3 analyzes the current and future needs of the network and defines priorities, acting as a lever and a stimulus to the domestic industry and the marine and maritime SMEs to enhance their international competitiveness. Network nodes are implemented in such a way as to ensure the real-time observation of a number of variables included among the Essential Ocean Variables (EOV) proposed by the Task Team for an Integrated Framework for Sustained Ocean Observations (IFSOO). To meet the need for physical, biogeochemical, biological and bio-opticsmeasurements new technology is acquired. Special attention is given to the carbon cycle and the implications for water acidification, to measures for the calculation of heat fluxes, precipitation measures and measures for the validation of remotely sensed data.

New network structure is made in accordance with the guidelines being developed at the international level (European Ocean Observing System, EMODNET, EuroGOOS, etc..) and is responsive to national needs. In addition, as the number of environmental emergencies that affect, often at the local level, the coasts of the peninsula would require a very high resolution integrated observing system that would cost too high, the WP aims to create a relocatable observing system used by an emergency task force for emergencies at sea.

  • AZ1 - Definition and consolidation of the present observational network and design and implementation of a new network

  • AZ2 - Analysis and development of transmission systems QA/QC and dissemination

  • AZ3 - Design of relocatable observational emergency systems

  • AZ4 - Measurement and monitoring structures

WP leader Mariangela Ravaioli - ISMAR
