WP2 - Observational systems based on remote sensing data

Nowadays remote sensing data are recognized as an essential component of marine observing system within the UNESCO Intergovernmental programs, Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and Coastal Ocean Observing Panel (COOP). The European action for the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) is developing the Marine Core Service (MyOcean project, FP7 GMES fast track), which through its Thematic Assembling Centers provides the basic products for space-based observation of the global ocean and European seas, including the Mediterranean, for which Italy has the coordinator role. However it is still necessary to increase the number and quality of Topic Centers products (especially for coastal areas) in parallel with the development of a not satellite component of remote sensing to meet the needs of a more efficient system of observation of the Italian Seas.

The WP develops the various components of the national satellite observing system, integrating them and making them functional to the specific objectives of RITMARE, in concert with the Italian Space Agency programs. In this context, the WP strengthens and extends the capabilities of the national system of satellite observations of the Mediterranean to meet the new challenges in the field of physical, biogeochemical and biological marine sciences, allowing Italy to maintain and consolidate its current leadership position in the European Union. WP2 develops the satellite component-based sensors operating in the optical and microwave band integrating them with remote sensing measurements from the ground carried out using coastal radar, LIDAR or-stereo-optical systems. The products developed in this area take account of technological developments and new space sensors that become available during the project, producing a system continuously in line with scientific and technological frontier. Non-space remote sensing techniques are an integral part of this system contributingalso to the activity of continuous calibration and validation.

  • AZ1 - Strengthening the Mediterranean satellite system

  • AZ2 - Development of SAR component of satellite observing system

  • AZ3 - Implementation of coastal radar network

  • AZ4 - Development of LIDAR systems for marine parameters measurement

  • AZ5 - Development of optical-stereo-systems for the measurement from fixed platforms and ships of wave spectrum

WP leader Lia Santoleri - ISAC
