WP5.AZ3 - Decision Support Systems

The Action tends to develop and provide operative Decision Support Systems (DSS), based on the integration of information related in space and time, the numerical model outputs (possibly integrated within the DSS themselves), using diagnostic and prognostic tools relevant to the interest decision-making process.

The construction of two logic-based DSS of the Coastal Information Systems (CIS-DSS of the Mar Grande / Mar Piccolo of Taranto and the Gulf of Oristano) is planned to support the coastal land- (ICZM) and sea-use (MSP) planning, and it is characterized by a great capacity for integration and cross-analysis of data and information. At the same time, thematic DSS are planned to be realized and possibly configured as modules of the CIS-DSS, on the coastal defense issues (erosion and defense against flooding) (DSS Coastal Defence - South Adriatic) and the management issues of the Marine Protected Areas (DSS Managing Marine Protected Areas - AMP of the Sinis). The DSS in question are developed in close collaboration with users who are directly concerned with the management of the territories and subjects of applications.

Action leader Mauro Sclavo - ISMAR
