WP3.AZ1 - Rapid environmental assessment

Design of emergency responder systems (also in connection with DPC, ISPRA and ASI), in order to intervene in the coastal areas by integrated instruments (remote helicopter for fast synoptic sampling, autonomous coastal or river instruments, ships and short-sea boats). These systems deal with river floods, extreme storms, tidal waves, floods and, in general, with extreme weather events, deaths of marine organisms, environmental catastrophes, toxic algal blooms, loss of biotoxins, emission of hydrocarbons, anoxic crises and jellyfish invasions.

Moreover, numerical models are adopted in order to assess the dispersion phenomena in marine coastal environment, to simulate, in real-time, the incident and to forecast its evolution over time, in terms of both concentration and trajectory. In this way, a prompt action is possible in order to defend the coast and the open sea.

Action leader Luca Zaggia - ISMAR


